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Cintia do Couto Mascarenhas

Cintia do Couto Mascarenhas

Catholic University, Brasilia, Brazil


Cintia do Couto Mascarenhas has completed her PhD at the age of 29 years from Faculty of Medicine - University of Campinas and postdoctoral studies from Catholic University of Brasília. She was a coordenator of clinical research center at Hematology and Hemoterapy Center at UNICAMP. She was a professor at Catholic University of Brasília since 2013 until 2019 july. Currently she is a CEO of 1Health Services a early startup, Ad hoc at Department of Science and Technology of the Brazilian Ministry of Health and also making her second undergraduate in Medicine.


Abstract : Pre, during and post colorectal cancer (CRC) screening age and differences in pathology and mutational status among patients.